You should be aware of the following issues during or immediately after installing Enviro Data.

During the Installation

You may need Windows' security permissions to install Enviro Data. Check with your IT Department as they may have to install the program for you.

During the install, the example database called EnvDData8.mdb is copied into the program folder, C:\Enviro\EData8. Enviro Data connects to this database by default when it is first opened. You can use this database to take the Tour in both the EDITOR and the VIEWER to learn how to use the program.

An add-in, GeoObjects, is installed immediately after the Enviro Data install completes. It should show a popup indicating that this install has completed. This installation generally only takes a few seconds. However, on some computers either the install progress window may not display at all or, remains on the screen after the install has completed. If you see this popup and it does not close, wait a minute or so and click on Cancel or Exit Setup to remove it.

Read the FAQ in this section on Do I need Read/Write privileges in the Enviro Data.

Immediately after the Installation

The Enviro Data installation should add desktop icons for both the EDITOR and the VIEWER. Sometimes these icons may not display but are hidden. To correct this either right click on the desktop and select Refresh or, push F5 on your keyboard. Either of these actions should restore them. (You may be asked to enter your Window's credentials when you do this.)

Running Enviro Data for the first time.

The first time you open the Editor and/or Viewer, you may see a warning just below the Ribbon Menu (see below). Click on the Enable Content button. This will cause Access to Enable All Content (like Macros) and close the warning. You need to do this once for each program. If the bar is partly obscured by the splash screen, wait a few seconds and then click the button.

enable content warning

You will be asked to enter the software key given you when you purchased Enviro Data. If this key is for a concurrent license, you will need to follow these instructions to set that up.

If you choose to not enter a key and leave this form blank, you are given a 7-day trial and will need a valid Key after that time. If you are evaluating Enviro Data and need more time, you can contact Geotech for a code to extend your evaluation to 30 days at no charge.

You must set Trusted Locations by following these steps.
