The data hierarchy in Enviro Data has four major tables, Sites (projects or facilities), Stations (locations of samples or observations, such as soil borings or monitoring wells), Samples, and Analyses. Enviro Data uses a database feature called Referential Integrity to protect your data, and that means that the hierarchy is strictly enforced. So to add Stations, Samples, and Analyses, you will need to have at least one Site. Here's how to do that.

1. On the EDITOR, in the Import / Edit section, click on Sites.

2. Enter a Site Name and State at the top of the SITES form. All other fields are optional. Click Done on the upper right of the screen when finished.

3. The next data element to enter is Stations. You can type them in, as you did Sites, but often it's easier to import them, especially if you already have them in digital form.

4. Using the template ImportStation8.xls, create an Excel sheet with your station information. ImportStationExample8.xls is an example of a compete stations import file. These two files are placed in the Enviro\Edata8 folder in Windows Explorer when Enviro Data is installed.
