Schedule a Free Live Online Presentation of the Enviro System
Geotech provides a variety of products and services to address the data management, mapping, and analysis needs of our clients. Our products include Enviro Data to assist you with your data management and statistical analysis needs, Enviro Spase to display your spatial data in GIS, and Enviro Cloud to bring the Enviro software capabilities to the cloud, providing improved access and easier management than local implementations. While our software is used primarily for gathering, managing and displaying lab and field data for water, soil, and air, it is used for many types of data including chemical, radiological, physical, biological, and operations, along with supporting data such as regulatory limit (MCL) comparisons. Capabilities include sample event planning, data import, validation, data selection, reporting, graphing, and mapping.
We encourage you to request a free live online demonstration of our software. If you would like to see it for yourself, ask questions and find out how the Enviro System Software would work for you and your clients, please fill out our Contact Form and we will be in touch with you shortly to schedule a time that is convenient for you.
Contact Us
Phone: (877) 740-1999 or (303) 740-1999
© 1995- 2025 Geotech Computer Systems, Inc.
Header photos by Dave Rich