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Database applications change and grow over time. Many factors impact needs and performance including the number of concurrent users, the network environment, throughput, latency, the size of the database, peak usage times, and expected growth rates. In short, if your database solution is successful, it probably needs to evolve. Fortunately, Access has an evolutionary path, from simple to advanced, that you can take over time to effectively scale your solution.

Enviro Data uses both front-end and back-end client relational database files with many tables, forms, modules and other objects. Both of the front-end files (Editor and Viewer) are Access databases that attach to a back-end database file where the actual data is stored. There are also settings for the front-end options that are stored in a Settings file that is also an Access database linked to the front-end clients., the Editor and a Viewer. The back end can be in Access, Microsoft SQL Server, Azure SQL or Oracle. Where the backend database is in Access, specific considerations must be made as to how it can be shared and where it can be stored. This is not an issue with SQL or other Enterprise storage options. 

For an overview on sharing a single back-end Enviro Data database locally or a remote desktop, on OneDrive/SharePoint (not recommended), or on a sever, please see Ways to share an Access desktop database

Although you can save an Access database file to OneDrive or a SharePoint document library, we recommend that you avoid opening an Access database from these locations. The file may be downloaded locally for editing and then uploaded again once you save your changes to OneDrive or SharePoint. However, if more than one person opens the Access database from OneDrive, SharePoint or DropBox, multiple copies of the database may get created and some unexpected behaviors may occur. This recommendation applies to all types of Access files including the Enviro Data Editor and Viewer, a single database, a split database, and files with the .mdb, .accdb, .accdc, .accde, and .accdr extensions. While SharePoint shares some features with databases and is a great tool for document management, it is not designed to be used as a database and it falls short in supporting all common database functions. For more information on deploying Access, again please see Ways to share an Access desktop database

Additionally, if you are using a VM or Azure Virtual Desktop where multiple users be using the same Access files-- Editor, Viewer, and Settings -- concurrently, these files must be located where only a single user can access them. Contact Geotec support for more information on these types of shared setups. 

Another factor to be considered is that you cannot create a new database with a path or file name that contains a space in it. Once the database has been created, this is no longer an issue. However, when updating an Enviro Data database to a new version in some cases a new file may be created and the issue with spaces applies.