iFAQ Search

Geotech provides many ways to help you learn to use Enviro Data.

  • Live online training is available with every purchase of Enviro Data.
  • A self-guided Tour is included with the program. The Tour walks you through the both the Viewer and Editor using a sample database provided with the program. It takes about 60 to 80 minutes to complete for each of the Tours and they cover every day tasks like selecting data and entering data, preparing reports, and importing and exporting of data.
  • A number of documents are include with the program. These can be found in your C:\\Enviro\Edata2012 folder. They are:
    • Comprehensive 600 page plus documentation covering every feature of the program including a tutorial and getting started sections.
    • Short Getting Started overview of the basic features of the program.
    • Data Transfer Standard document to explain and document importing of data simple for both you and your laboratory.
  • This set of Frequently Asked Questions on our website to answer the most commonly encountered issues .

Geotech Support is available with purchase and our support team available to assist you with any questions or problems you might encounter when using Enviro Data. We utilize live online meetings using WebEx or Teams to respond to your questions or problems so we can show you how to accomplish a task, or we can walk you through it step by step.